Ohana Program

Our Ohana Program caters to those with family or caregivers staying with them during their time at REHAB. Participating caregivers typically live off-island and stay with patients until they're discharged. Education and training are initiated with the caregiver during the first few days at REHAB. Caregivers must be cleared by therapists for functional mobility and self-care tasks, such as going to the bathroom, walking and getting in and out of bed. The program allows for early caregiver involvement and eases the transition from the hospital to patients’ homes.

Patient on the bed with a parent

Who Qualifies?

Recent program participants include:

  • Those experiencing patient safety issues: High risk for falls, agitation, restlessness and other patient safety issues
  • Minors under the age of 13: Pediatric/children/adolescents
  • Those with medical necessities: Caregiver required due to patient’s medical condition


  • Allows patients from Neighbor Islands to receive family and emotional support during rehabilitation
  • Provides caregivers or parents with hands-on training during rehabilitation therapy sessions
  • Family members and caregivers feel more capable to help patient when they return home

For More Information

Contact our Clinical Liaisons Team to learn more:

Phone: (808) 566-3512
Email: info@rehabhospital.org